• Students, by the end of this course, can be expected to have a detailed understanding of all the Vinyasas and their combinations with bandhas, ujjayi breathing and gaze.
  • This course also teaches the Ashtanga Yoga primary series in Mysore style, including every Vinyasa.


  • Vinyasa involves clever and practical grouping of asanas for a considerable impact on the body.
  • Chinmaya yoga’s course of 300 hours teaches theme-based Vinyasas, covering and affecting the functionality of the various muscles and different prana vayus.


  • Asanas covered in the 200 Hours YTTC will be covered in a more detailed and theoretical manner.
  • More emphasis will be laid on appropriate postural alignment in each asana and also on holding the postures for long. The relation between the postures will also be explained.


  • The fundamentals of skeletal and muscular systems
  • Yoga asana sequencing and its impact on the various organs through practical approach
  •  Practicing yoga for different systems of the body
  • Postures and its differences in individuals
  • Incorporating yoga in practice and its appropriate alignment
  • Prevention of common injuries
  • Therapeutic yoga
  • Yoga for various ailments and diseases


  • This course also aims at teaching the philosophy of Yoga, rendering a more extensive understanding and knowledge of this art.
  • Introducing the Vedas and Upanishads with regards to their ideas about Yoga
  • Yogic life in theory and the philosophical understanding of inner balance
  • Patanjali Yogasutras and Bhagwad Gita
  • Chakras and inner body, using them in everyday life


  • Develop into a highly recognized and revered Yoga teacher and practitioner with a profound knowledge of the subject
  • Attaining of the globally validated status of the RYT 300 under the Yoga Alliance as an experienced instructor of Yoga, meeting the premium and internationally recognized standards
  • Extensive knowledge and advanced expertise in the traditional forms of yoga, like Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga
  • Engaging deeply, in both, the theory and the practice of the science and also its ethics for a thorough transformation of the body, mind andsoul
  • Acquiring a complete understanding of the advanced practices of yoga, while being mentored by the highly renowned yoga teachers and leaders
  • Practicing the highly complex asanas and understanding the yogic discipline with utmost perfection and ease
  • Evolving mentally, physically and spiritually through rigorous practices and intense practice
  • Understanding and attaining the healing art through the yogic science in a more advanced manner and obtaining expertise in practicing the complex asanas perfectly and with safety
  • This program is the perfect beginning to establishing oneself as an experienced and knowledgeable yoga teacher on a global platform
  • Take classes with much more confidence and ease


  • No. 1
  • Date : 3rd March 2020 to 1st April 2020
  • Course fee for Private Room : 1399 USD
  • Course fee for sharing Room : 1199 USD
  • Course fee for dormitory : 1099 USD
  • No. 2
  • Date : 3rd April 2020 to 1st May 2020
  • Course fee for Private Room : 1399 USD
  • Course fee for sharing Room : 1199 USD
  • Course fee for dormitory : 1099 USD
  • No. 3
  • Date : 3rd May 2020 to 1st June 2020
  • Course fee for Private Room : 1399 USD
  • Course fee for sharing Room : 1199 USD
  • Course fee for dormitory : 1099 USD
  • No. 4
  • Date : 3rd June 2020 to 1st July 2020
  • Course fee for Private Room : 1399 USD
  • Course fee for sharing Room : 1199 USD
  • Course fee for dormitory : 1099 USD

You can enroll for the upcoming 300-Hour course by filling our Student Application form.

You can also contact us if you have any queries regarding our Yoga courses!

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