Author Archives: dathoang

Are you sceptical about Yoga Teacher’s training? Here’s how it will transform your life

The increasing awareness about health and fitness has increased our inclination towards having a workout routine and for many, Yoga is the perfect workout! After all, it is one of the few types of exercises which focus on both physical and mental well-being. While many people learn Yoga on a basic level, the Yoga Teacher […]

Yoga Teachers at Chinmay Yoga

  Chinmay Yoga makes sure that you learn and gain knowledge from the best teachers in India. We believe in imparting knowledge to our students in the best way possible. Yoga Teacher Dr. Amrita Experience B.A.M.S, M.D (Dravyaguna-Ayurvedic herbal pharmacology) MBA, NDDY, CFN, DMH, RYT 500 Ayurvedic Physician, Life Style Counselor, Yoga Therapist n holistic […]

How does kriya Yoga help in establishing the lost connection with inner life?

There comes a time in life when we get bogged down by the external life so much that we almost lose a touch with our inner life. Professional commitments, family issues, relationship problems and other distractions keep us busy and we hardly get any time to work on the relationship with self. The external life […]